Getting started

To get started you have to first install the CC WP Base Theme locally.


For a step by step guide on how you can set up WordPress in your local environment checkout How to set up a local development...

Installation Guide

  1. Download the zip package of the theme.
  2. Unzip to your wp-content/themes directory.
  3. Navigate to the wp-theme-base directory and run the command below on the terminal, to install all the necessary package dependencies:
composer install

One of the installed dependencies is Queulat. In-order to initialize Queulat in the project, follow the instructions provided in feliperlavinz/queulat.

Alternatively, to initialize Queulat navigate to the mu-plugins directory. The mu-plugins directory is in the root of the wp-content folder. It’s automatically created when you install Queulat using composer. At the root of the mu-plugins directory create an index.php file. Then copy and paste the code below:

 * Plugin Name: Queulat Loader
 * Description: Load Queulat mu-plugin

// Load Composer autoloader (ABSPATH it's the path to wp-load.php).
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-content/themes/wp-theme-base/vendor/autoload.php';

// Load Queulat main file.
require_once __DIR__ .'/queulat/queulat.php';
  1. Start your development server and activate the CC WP Base Theme in your local WordPress Dashboard.